Robotics for a Festive Christmas

Senior STEM Camp for Years 3 to 11

20-23 December 2021: Face to Face in Kensington, 65-67 Queen's Gate, SW7 5JS


This new and inspiring camp offers children the chance to engage with state of the art educational robots and hands-on electronics experiments designed to teach electronics and robotics, programming and maths. Whether your child is already a confident programmer or just starting out, we will create the most appropriate small study group for them, based on their age and experience. Each group of participants is taught in their own separate classroom, maximising the learning opportunity and minimising the spread of Covid.

Robotics and Programming: how Robots feature in our lives, from driverless cars to autonomous medical devices, is well documented. But when a pupil studies Robotics, what do they actually do and learn? In this camp, pupils will build and programme driverless cars before entering a series of competitions and playing robofootball.

If your child is a seasoned robotics enthusiast or has never studied robotics before, we have the right group for them to join at this camp. The educational robotics kits we use are from ROBBO, TRIK and developed by our own R&D team.

The study of Robotics works on many levels. For younger children it brings programming to life, rewarding coding effort as robots become active after only a few lines of code input. Older children learn problem solving, engineering, mathematics and physics - all the STEM subjects in one class. To see what this camp is about, take a look at LondonSMP’s Annual Robotics Triathlon, part of UK Robotics Week with Imperial College:

In Maths we will dive deep into the world of equations, looking at algebra and geometry, with complexity increasing by age group. We’ll study how practical problems or mathematical ideas can be transformed into formulae and how they can be manipulated and transformed back to provide practical results or mathematical theorems.

Here are more details of what will be studied by each Year group during the camp:

Years 3-4

Pupils will work on arithmetic and geometric puzzles moving on to using diagrams for solving word problems.In problem solving lessons, the pupils will work on past problems from the UK and international mathematics competitions for their age.

Years 5-6

Introducing basic algebra to generalise the description of quantities and using equations as a powerful tool to answer questions about quantitative relationships. In problem solving, pupils will work on past problems from the UK and international mathematics competitions for their age.

Years 7-9

Equations versus identities. How to set up an equation? Linear equations and simultaneous systems of linear equations. Typical mistakes. Working with parameters. The Greek world of Geometry and their handling of quadratic equations. In problem solving, pupils will study word problems and questions related to motion and geometry from UKMT Challenges.

Years 10-11

Different ways to look at an equation. Equivalent and nonequivalent steps. Typical mistakes. Why and how do we check our workings? The geometry of the simultaneous system of equations. In problem solving we will look at Diophantine equations: what if the solution is supposed to be a whole number? Number theory in action. Functional equations: what if the solution is supposed to be a function instead of a number? The gateway to modern science.


Format and fees for the senior face to face camp:

  • pupil to teacher ratio of 6 to 1 
  • participants are taught in small groups, tailored by similarity of age and ability, in individual classrooms
  • camp times: 10am to 3pm
  • or from 9am for an extra hour of olympiad style maths or additional coding, and/or from 3pm to 4pm with our chess class. There is a supplement of £25 for each additional session booked
  • fees are £490 for four days. It is not possible to join for a shorter period 
Places are limited, please register your interest HERE.