Achieving Best Outcomes -
30 May - 2 June 2023
Our Half Term Online camp will explore and explain how maths and programming can be harnessed to deliver the best answers to questions. Depending on each child’s previous experience and knowledge of maths and programming, answers will be discovered to questions such as:
what is Histogram Equalization in computing and how does it support image optimisation?
what is a greedy algorithm and what are its limitations?
what are arithmetic, geometric, harmonic and quadratic means?
As ever, participants will be divided into small classes of six or fewer, based on their age and experience in maths and programming.
In Programming we will run a series of highly exciting projects at the cutting edge of science. Whether your child is preparing for Programming Olympiads or has done little to no coding before, we have the right class for them. Depending on a child’s previous experience and knowledge of programming, pupils will learn either the foundations of coding or go further and work on exciting projects like:
Processing: Image Optimization
Participants will learn about methods of image optimization through the numerical parameters of a Histogram - a graphical representation of the intensity distribution of an image. Histograms are widely used to create a general idea of the correct exposure, contrast and colour saturation of an image. They evaluate the required correction both during shooting (changing the exposure, colour balance, lighting or composition of the image) and during subsequent processing. After completing this first stage, pupils will learn about Histogram Equalization which is a computer image processing technique used to improve the contrast in images. It accomplishes this by spreading out the most frequent intensity values, i.e. stretching out the intensity range of the image. All these methods are used in Computer Vision and the field of artificial intelligence (AI). Camp participants will build a desktop program that computes the histogram of a given image, visualises it, performs Histogram Equalization of it and renders the result.
In Maths, for all year groups, we will be running two separate maths classes each day:
- Optimisation - achieving best outcomes
Problem Solving - participants will tackle different levels of UKMT challenges from the Primary Maths Challenge and International Kangaroo up to more senior levels looking at Combinatorics, Number Theory and Senior UKMT challenges
Here are more details of what will be studied by each Year group:
Years 3-4
In finding the best, pupils will discover the answer to: smallest or largest, shortest or longest route, how to collect the most prizes - all aspects of optimisation for beginners.
In problem solving, pupils will tackle questions from the UKMT Primary maths Challenge and International Kangaroo.
Years 5-6
Finding the best, including the greedy algorithm and its limitations, chess and mathematics - maintaining social distancing on the board for chess pieces, calculating the largest area with a given parameter.
In problem solving, pupils will tackle games and logic in UKMT challenges.
Years 7-9
Finding the best, including the greedy algorithm and its limitations. Calculating the shortest routes and the largest areas with a given parameter.
In problem solving we’ll be looking at problems in geometry: angles and similarities, the inequality of Arithmetic and Geometric Means for two numbers, its variations and applications, together with harmonic means.
Years 10-11
Finding the best, including the greedy algorithm and its limitations, shortest route, quadratic and cubic functions.
In problem solving, pupils will study the geometry and applications of Arithmetic, Geometric, Harmonic and Quadratic means and their relations, as well as inequality problems from past questions in the British Maths Olympiad.
Format and fees for the senior online camp:
- class sizes are six pupils or fewer of similar age and ability
- each day runs for six hours with four one hour classes and strategic breaks from the screen between them
- class times are: 10.00-11.00, 11.30-12.30, 13.30-14.30, 15.00-16.00
- all classes are interactive, using Zoom, with pupils solving problems with the teacher and with each other
- pupils must have a PC or laptop (Windows or Mac OS) with a camera and mic and a stable internet connection
- fees are £440 for four days. Bookings of fewer days are not possible for this camp