Illusions, Paradoxes and Mathematical Tricks

ONLINE Senior Maths and Programming Camp for Years 3 to 12

19-23 December 2022


Mathematics, Programming and Electronics come together in this exciting camp about illusions, paradoxes and mathematical tricks.

Camp participants will explore optical illusions and visual phenomena, mathematical paradoxes and maths false proofs and fallacies. 

Pupils will be presented with remarkable examples of problems from arithmetic and geometry in which the apparent answer is in fact wrong. Dealing with other types of problems called mathematical paradoxes, they will have to decide which line of reasoning is correct and spot the mistake when given two contradicting conclusions.

Through mathematical tricks and games younger pupils will be introduced to elements of algebra that can help to explain how to guess a number someone thought of. We will also consider some useful methods for calculation based on important mathematical ideas.

Our online camp format provides four one hour lessons each day, two in Programming and two in Maths, each one being relative to the age, experience and knowledge of the camp participant. 

In Programming, depending on your child’s age and experience in coding they may study coding as follows: 

  • Coding Club (Scratch), Years 3 to 5 most children in this age group will already be familiar with Scratch, however instead of teaching them the programming environment we go further and, using games as a learning tool, aim to teach them the major programming constructions and how to compose effective algorithms. 
  • Algorithmical Drawing (Java based), Years 5 to 7 the beauty of the Object Oriented way of thinking in programming begins with our Java classes. Pupils start with the basics and move on to development patterns, animations and applications. 
  • Processing Programming (Java based), Years 6 to 10 pupils learn to program using a Java-based language, building dynamic, visual and interactive applications. 
  • Python Programming, Years 6 to 13 as well as being an ‘industrial strength’ programming language, popular in web development, data analysis and machine learning, Python is also an ideal teaching tool. Pupils learn algorithm construction, syntax, the theory and practice of coding as well as Python itself.

Format and fees for the senior online camp:

  • class sizes are six pupils or fewer of similar age and ability
  • each day runs for six hours with four one hour classes and strategic breaks from the screen between them
  • class times are: 10.00-11.00, 11.30-12.30, 13.30-14.30, 15.00-16.00
  • all classes are interactive, using Zoom, with pupils solving problems with the teacher and with each other  
  • pupils must have a PC or laptop (Windows or Mac OS) with a camera and mic and a stable internet connection.
  • fees are £550 for five days.  Bookings of fewer days are not possible for this camp

Places are limited, please register your interest HERE.